Takasih.com - I don’t adhere to the school of thought which says mental illness is a myth; there are, undeniably, some crazy people in the world. It is quite apparent, however, that psychiatry has been used to stigmatize and control people on many occasions since its inception, especially nonconformists, free thinkers and those at odds with authority. Here are 10 of the most pseudoscientific mental disorders ever proposed, some from the past, and some from today.
1. Homosexuality
Many forget that homosexuality was, and is still, considered a mental disorder by many. The American Psychiatric Association did not declassify homosexuality as a mental illness until 1973. Gays were considered mentally ill in China until 2001, after 5 years of intensive study by the Chinese Society of Psychiatry. In many countries around the world, gays are still considered insane and immoral, facing punishment, ostracism and even death.
2. Autism/Asperger’s
I’m expecting this to be one of the more controversial items on the list, but allow me to make a few points if you will. First, note there is no objective medical test to determine if someone is autistic. There are only varying lists of behavioral traits, some of which are vague enough to fit anyone. Supposed symptoms of autism given by the Autism Society of America, and other organizations, include “insistence on sameness,” “little or no eye contact,” “fixation with certain objects or subjects,” and “preference to be alone.” So in other words, if your child is different, perhaps shy or introverted, they may be autistic and require behavioral therapy, medication and special schooling. What I find particularly fraudulent about autism is the “autism spectrum,” which seemingly every human being could fall into, with vague symptoms like “insistence on sameness” and “fixation with certain objects or subjects.” Should we start placing people with moles, cysts and skin tags on the “cancer spectrum,” or people with tans on the “burn spectrum?” As reported from listverse.com.
3. Personality Disorder
This blanket term incorporates syndromes such as schizophrenia, OCD, antisocial personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder. The APA defines a personality disorder as “an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the culture of the individual who exhibits it.” This definition raises some very important questions about the nature of, not just personality disorders, but all mental illness. It seems that in all cases, diagnosis is contingent upon cultural standards of normalcy, and what if certain mores in our culture are arbitrary or immoral? Who are psychiatrists to deem what constitutes normality to begin with? Here’s an additional dilemma. The words “disorder” and “illness” imply a handicap- an inability to function successfully- yet many people with “mental illnesses” are highly successful entrepreneurs and entertainers. Bill Gates for example, is considered by many to be autistic. What if some “mental illnesses” are actually gifts which allow people to excel above “normal” human beings? Think about that one. By the way, if you disagree with anything on this list, you may have Oppositional Defiant Disorder.
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